Why Automatics & Machinery Co. is the Best Place for AGIE CHARMILLES Equipment

Automatics & Machinery Co. specializes in quality used production equipment offering used AGIE CHARMILLES equipment to cater to your CNC machinery and Other Equipment Types needs. With our broad selection of equipment, you can efficiently buy or sell AGIE CHARMILLES equipment with confidence. Trust us to offer unparalleled customer assistance and optimal value for your investments.

Applications of AGIE CHARMILLES Equipment

AGIE CHARMILLES equipment is indispensable in industries requiring precise, high-quality electric discharge machining. Notably, the Electric Discharge Machines, Wire, N/C & CNC and Electric Discharge Machines, N/C & CNC (Conventional), are instrumental in the production of components in the aeronautical, automotive, or electronic industries, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in each operation.

Available AGIE CHARMILLES Models at Automatics & Machinery Co.

We are proud to showcase a wide selection of AGIE CHARMILLES models like Cut 30P and Cut E 350, representing its outstanding performance and innovation in design. These models are part of the AGIE CHARMILLES’ renowned Cutter series, distinct for their unmatched precision and powerful cutting capacities. Check out these models that symbolize the best in CNC machinery efficiency available at our portal.

Cost Estimates for Used AGIE CHARMILLES Equipment

At Automatics & Machinery Co., we believe in promoting accessibility and value. Our selection of AGIE CHARMILLES equipment, although used, offers a cost-efficient solution for businesses eyeing high-quality CNC and electric discharge machining. Due to the diverse range of our selection, there's considerable variation in the prices. Rest assured, at every price point, you'll be gaining a product of high value and exemplary performance.


AGIE CHARMILLES has been a pioneering brand, synonymous with quality, precision, and innovation. With its rich history and incessant commitment to technological advancements, AGIE CHARMILLES has set the benchmark for high-performance CNC and discharge equipment. By choosing AGIE CHARMILLES from Automatics & Machinery Co., you join their legacy of technological excellence and superior manufacturing capabilities.